Allan Siewert
2380 Kohler Drive
Boulder, CO 80305
(303) 494-2001
- B.S. Chemistry & Mathematics, University of Wisconsin at
Madison, 1972
- Cumulative GPA: 3.8/4.0
- GPA in Chemistry courses: 4.0/4.0
- Currently enrolled in Master's Program in the Dept. of Applied
Math, University of Colorado Expected degree in May, 2003
- Post-Bachelor's Degree classes in Mathematics and Computer
Sciences include: Statistics, Statistical Theory (2 courses),
Probability Modeling (Markov Chains), Statistical Software Applications
(ANOVAs for Fixed and Random Factors and Linear Regressions in SPSSPc,
and Measures of Associations and Correlations), Advanced Statistical
Software Applications (2, 3, and 4 way ANOVAs for Fixed and Random
Factors and Polynomial Regressions in SPSSPc), Fractional Factorials
and Data Mining, Stochastic Simulation, Numerical Analysis (currently
enrolled), Introduction to Unix, Introduction to Programing (C++),
Programing in Mathematica
- Cumulative GPA in Master's Program: 3.9/4.0
- Familiar with both SAS and SPSS as well as Matlab, Mathematica,
Perl, and Python
- Post-Bachelor's Degree classes in Biology include: Genetics
(Graduate level Core Class), Cell Cycle (Graduate level Core Class),
Cell Cycle Seminar (my seminar on Cytology of the Meiotic Cell)
(Graduate level), Molecular Genetics, Computer Analysis of Biological
Sequences, Biometrics (Graduate level), Linkage Analysis (Graduate level)
- Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society
- Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society
- Graduation with distinction from UW-Madison
Professional Experience
- 5/99-present--Professional Research Assistant, Group of John
Hewitt, Institute of Behavioral Genetics
- 3/98-5/99--Professional Research Assistant, Laboratory of Dr.
Gary Stormo, Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental
Biology, University of Colorado
- 8/91-8/96--Professional Research Assistant, Laboratory of Dr.
Mark Winey, Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental
Biology, University of Colorado
- 7/81-8/91--Full-time mother of three children born 7/81, 3/83,
- 8/78-6/81--Manager of Quality Control, Katherine Beecher Candies,
Manchester, Pa
- 2/73-5/77--Project Specialist, Laboratory of Dr. Arthur Kelman,
Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Publications and Abstracts
- E. Siewert, M. Stallings, and J. Hewitt. Factor Structure and
Concurrent Validity of the Drug Use Screening Inventory in a Community
Adolescent Sample. Addictive Behaviors (in press).
- T. A. Siewert, E. A. Siewert, J. C. M. Farrar, and Z. Zhang.
Statistical Evaluation of a Round-robin Experiment: Uncertainties in
Ferrite Measurement in Weldments. International Institute of
Welding, Document IIC-224-02, submitted for presentation in June,
2002; available from Secretariat of the American Council of the IIW,
American Welding Society, Miami, Florida.
- C. A. Beresford, E. Siewert, S. Wilson, R. Corley, J. Hewitt, and
T. Beresford. Eating Behavior Correlates with Drinking Behavior in
Adolescent Females. New Research Proceedings, American
Psychiatric Association, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, May 2002.
- C. A. Beresford, E. Siewert, S. Wilson, R. Corley, J. Hewitt, and
T. Beresford. Eating Behavior Correlates with Drinking Behavior in
Adolescent Females. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, 25
(Suppl): 86A, 2001.
- C. A. Beresford, E. Siewert, S. Wilson, R. Corley, J. Hewitt, and
T. Beresford. Correlated Eating and Drinking Behavior in Adult Females:
Does the Relationship Change? Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental
Research, 25 (Suppl): 138A, 2001.
- T. Beresford, E. Siewert, R. Corley, and J. Hewitt, Ethanol
Sensitivity in Young Adults: Gender and Drinking Behavior. Alcoholism,
Clinical and Experimental Research, 24 (Suppl): 27A, 2000.
- T. Beresford, E. Siewert, R. Corley, and J. Hewitt, Ethanol
Sensitivity in Adolescents: Gender and Drinking Behavior. Alcoholism,
Clinical and Experimental Research, 24 (Suppl): 28A, 2000.
- H. J. Chial, T. H. Giddings, Jr., E. A. Siewert, M. A. Hoyt, and
M. Winey, 1999. Altered dosage of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae
spindle pole body duplication gene, NDC1, leads to aneuploidy
and polyploidy. PNAS 96:10200-10205.
- H. J. Chial, M. P. Rout, E. A. Siewert, and M. Winey, 1997 The Saccharomyces
Cerevisiae spindle pole body duplication gene NDC1: Gene dosage
phenotypes and localization to the nuclear pore complexes.
ASCB/EMBO/Dudley Wright Foundation Conference on Centrosomes and Spindle
Pole Bodies, Santa Cruz, CA, August 23-27, 1997.
- M. Winey, E. Siewert, H. Benedict, and T. Giddings, 1993.
Isolation of new mutants defective in spindle pole body duplication.
Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology yearly meeting. June, 1993.
- S. H. DeBoer, E. Allan and A. Kelman, 1979. Survival of Erwinia
carotovorain Wisconsin soils. American Potato Journal 56:243-252.
- Elizabeth Allan and Arthur Kelman, 1977. Immunofluorescent stain
procedures for detection and identification of Erwinia carotovora
var. atroseptica. Phytopathology 67:1305-1312.
- E. Allan and A. Kelman, 1975. Detection of Erwinia
carotovora var. atrosepticain mixed cultures, potato tubers, soil,
insects and on potato leaves by immunofluorescent staining procedures.
Proceedings of the American Phytopathological Society 2:68.